Big Trees and Beaches
Next day, I’m keen to hit the road, I’ve read up on what is North of us and a vast forest apparently exists with a huge tree in the centre that is 6m in diameter. Rob is less than enthusiastic and as we walk in the woods keeps asking questions like he is on a school trip “is this the big tree? Are we there yet?” over and over again to wind me up. This just adds to my disappointment when we finally reach the tree and I realise I’ve misread the guide, the tree is 6m in circumference and so, although quite large, nothing like the mighty red woods for example that you’d get in the States that I’d pictured, even if it is a few thousand years old.
We troop back to the van and I agree that it probably isn’t the best place to stop for the night so back on the road I’m scanning the guidebook and suggest taking in the coast again. We travel back South a little to a place called Temuka where we agree to split up for a bit as I try yet again in vain to find something for family back home. Meeting back up after each snaffling a McD’s we have a stroll along the beach back to the campsite.
Rob has enough food in the van for tea so settles back but I’m keen for some salad so take a stroll to the nearest supermarket which is huge, even making Walmart look small. They don’t provide shopping baskets only enormous trolleys and going in there hungry isn’t the best of ideas but by reminding myself that we are flying out in a couple of days I manage to minimise the shopping, just.
As soon as I sit down for tea I’m surrounded by ducks and ducklings all wanting their share, so the bread comes out again and their soon quacking away with tails waggling. Rob tries them on the sardines but they turn their bills up in disgust and waddle off. The TV lounge is showing the movie Mummy so we settle to watch that before turning into for the night with the plate of sardines still sitting on the floor outside untouched and me nervously locking all the doors for fear of a mummy invasion...
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