an account of life in a brief escape from the ratrace: UK - Brazil - Easter Island - Tahiti - New Zealand - Australia - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - UK

Friday, August 13, 2004

work is over...

well, within a matter of hours it will be. Adding this post in my last few hours as a Project Engineer before starting my life as a dropout, at least thats the way I'm sure a few people view it. That said, I think there are a few who wish they were jumping ship with me, I won't name names...

Three weeks further on already and less than three weeks to go before we fly out, I really can't believe it and still so much to do! The last few weeks have been crammed full, running round after kitchen fitters, flying camera at both Nationals - while I'm at it there, congrats to all the hib teams who competed at the Nationals, most especially Optic, Wizard, Space Kettles and Space for their medal positions. Oh and good luck to Mistral, Spank and Space at the World Parachuting Championships in September, shame they couldn't have been in the same place but i'm sure Crotia and Brazil will never be the same again thanks to you guys and your bands of supporters! I'm still recovering from the after-party last weekend... Hey and eXiLe and Cosmic Banditos, i'll miss you guys, thanks for some fantasitc jumps, you've taught me alot, not least of all how to really smile. Save a jump for me next year when I'm back eh?

So, the next three weeks sees us frantically DIYing, making all the final arrangements and even having the parents and inlaws doing a grand meeting... eek! Don't know who is most nervous... Hope I manage to catch up with everyone I want to in that time, many many apologies if I don't, I do mean to, honest!


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